Friday, December 21, 2012

Inviolate Distinctiveness

I used to think nothing of writing but that it was enabled by tools; tools that time would nullify the writer’s monopoly of. I was degraded by the sensation that technology would make writers of us all.

The Substance Of Despair

There are moments in time I’d like to return to, just as one who finds an activity he likes would make a hobby of it. But, this feeling has as its only possible end the evocation of yet another of life’s abiding sorrows-

May I Explain Myself?

So, today I've conceived of a new way to use the blog. I no longer will use it primarily as a means of promoting pieces, but as a means of comprehensively exposing what I hope will ultimately be my audience and the readers of the book(s) to the author himself and the processes by which I generate my work.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Lumbering Back From A Slumbering

Here we go! Tell someone about it- I'm returning to blogging effective immediately!
